The Rebak Island, named after the native Rebak tree,is one of the 99 isles that make up the legendary Langkawi. The island is blessed with a balmy climate, stunning rock formations, a lush forest that goes back a million years and pristine, secluded beaches. A part of nature with jungles and forest as old as 100 million years.
Guests arrive at Langkawi airport and drive down to Port Langkasuka - it is a 5 mins drive from the airport to the Port. A 15 mins boat ride brings you to the jetty on Rebak Island.
It is a short walk or a buggy ride from the jetty to the resort lobby. Rebak Island is only 4 kms away from the main island.
Okay macam mana.. best tak? mummy fara rasa macam teringin plak nak pergi sana. mummy fara boleh dapat harga subsidiaries kalau nak gi sana. Tapi mummy nak pergi ngan saper plak.. Takkan nak gi ngan anak2 macam tak sesuai jerk.. hehehehe.. Mmm.. kalau korang masih tak de plan nak gi mana untuk honeymoon, try la pergi sana sebab Rebak Island tu private island tau.. For more information korung boleh klik sini

Guests arrive at Langkawi airport and drive down to Port Langkasuka - it is a 5 mins drive from the airport to the Port. A 15 mins boat ride brings you to the jetty on Rebak Island.
It is a short walk or a buggy ride from the jetty to the resort lobby. Rebak Island is only 4 kms away from the main island.
Okay macam mana.. best tak? mummy fara rasa macam teringin plak nak pergi sana. mummy fara boleh dapat harga subsidiaries kalau nak gi sana. Tapi mummy nak pergi ngan saper plak.. Takkan nak gi ngan anak2 macam tak sesuai jerk.. hehehehe.. Mmm.. kalau korang masih tak de plan nak gi mana untuk honeymoon, try la pergi sana sebab Rebak Island tu private island tau.. For more information korung boleh klik sini

huhu bilalah kau nk honeymoon lg ni?erm kite wish permohonan kau tu cpt selesai.tak sbr tgu kau naik pelamin ngan org baru,dan jeng...jeng plg suka bila kau bgtu...aku nk gi honeymoon ni!Duluhoneymoon kt awana porto malai,lgkwi.sempoi gak kat Rebak ni yer.weih..nti buat n3 pasal tempat best di pangkor...hotel..tmpt makan dll.tq dear!
yuhuu.. doa2 kan la aku cepat naik pelamin, cepat honeymoon dan cepat dapat anak.. hehehehe.. tapi yang penting permohonan aku tu mesti selesai.. tak larat dah nak tunggu.. nanti aku wat n3 tempat best dipangkor & lumut ek.. tungguuu!!!
nape bee? tekujut ker? hehehe..
bee gi la honeymoon ngan husband.. (^_~)
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